Welcome to Faith Church Singapore (FCS)

At our church, we hope that through His Word and by His Spirit, and through the fellowship of the saints you will get to know and experience the Heavenly Father’s unfailing love for you.

John 1:17 (AMP)
17 For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ.

By our Father’s Grace, we endeavour to teach His Word of Truth that Faith be imparted to your life. Then through Faith you may access His Grace all the time for yourself and for others, thus helping you to develop spiritually and helping your faith grow exceedingly.

The Heavenly Father has given FCS this mandate, that is, “Prayer is Our Mission.” Through prayer we hope that you will fulfill the destiny that our Father God’s unfailing love has planned for you.

I pray that FCS will be a blessing to you. Let us help you fulfill this unique plan that God has for your life.
May our Heavenly Father’s Unfailing Love pour out His abundance of Grace upon you!


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Waiting Upon the LordIsaiah 40:31 (NKJV) But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.The phrase “wait upon on” has this meaning: —(1) prop. like the Arab. قَوىَ to twist, to bind; whence قُوَّةُ a rope, Hebr. קָו and תִּקְוָה. Hence—(2) to be strong, robust (for the notion of binding fast, tying fast, is applied to strength. See חוּל, חָזַק, No. 3; also the Germ. Stränge, i.e. ropes, ftrenge, and anftrengen, all of which are derived from the notion of binding fast). Hence קָו No. 2.(3) to expect, to await (perhaps from enduring, remaining, which differs but little from the notion of strength; comp. חוּל No. 7), with acc. part. Kal קֹוֶה Ps. 25:3; 37:9; 69:7; see Piel. [Gesenius, W., & Tregelles, S. P. (2003). Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures (pp. 726–727). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.]Waiting upon the Lord is a time of seeking and fellowshipping with the Lord in the Word and prayer to hear from Him. It has the meaning of “twist, to bind” together with the Lord. We entwine and bind ourselves together with the Lord when we fellowship with Him through His Word. When our spirits are entwined and bound with His Word through fellowship and when we seek Him, we will become strong and robust. This is when our spirits are binding fast, tying fast to His Word. For example, a three-strand rope that is intertwined together is stronger than one with two or four strands. As we bind ourselves closely to the Lord and His Word in intimate fellowship and seek Him diligently, our spirit man will be renewed in strength. And the Lord will perform His Word on our behalf. We wait on the Lord, fellowshipping with Him in the Word and seeking Him in prayer. Seeking the Lord is not asking for what you want. But waiting on Him in prayer for Him to direct and instruct us. Another meaning of waiting on the Lord is expecting. We wait upon Him through fellowshipping with Him in the Word, praying in unknown tongues, and waiting for His answer or direction. We wait with expectancy. Faith expects a favourable outcome from the Lord. When we wait upon the Lord, our spirits will be renewed and strengthened, including our souls and bodies.Rev. Cheong Yew KwongFaith Church SingaporePlease visit our website at faithchurch.sg#goodtoread ... See MoreSee Less


Waiting Upon the Lord

Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV) But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

The phrase “wait upon on” has this meaning: —(1) prop. like the Arab. قَوىَ to twist, to bind; whence قُوَّةُ a rope, Hebr. קָו and תִּקְוָה. Hence—(2) to be strong, robust (for the notion of binding fast, tying fast, is applied to strength. See חוּל, חָזַק, No. 3; also the Germ. Stränge, i.e. ropes, ftrenge, and anftrengen, all of which are derived from the notion of binding fast). Hence קָו No. 2.(3) to expect, to await (perhaps from enduring, remaining, which differs but little from the notion of strength; comp. חוּל No. 7), with acc. part. Kal קֹוֶה Ps. 25:3; 37:9; 69:7; see Piel. [Gesenius, W., & Tregelles, S. P. (2003). Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures (pp. 726–727). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.]

Waiting upon the Lord is a time of seeking and fellowshipping with the Lord in the Word and prayer to hear from Him. It has the meaning of “twist, to bind” together with the Lord. We entwine and bind ourselves together with the Lord when we fellowship with Him through His Word. When our spirits are entwined and bound with His Word through fellowship and when we seek Him, we will become strong and robust. This is when our spirits are binding fast, tying fast to His Word. 

For example,  a three-strand rope that is intertwined together is stronger than one with two or four strands. As we bind ourselves closely to the Lord and His Word in intimate fellowship and seek Him diligently, our spirit man will be renewed in strength. And the Lord will perform His Word on our behalf.
We wait on the Lord, fellowshipping with Him in the Word and seeking Him in prayer. 

Seeking the Lord is not asking for what you want. But waiting on Him in prayer for Him to direct and instruct us. 

Another meaning of waiting on the Lord is expecting. We wait upon Him through fellowshipping with Him in the Word, praying in unknown tongues, and waiting for His answer or direction. We wait with expectancy. Faith expects a favourable outcome from the Lord. When we wait upon the Lord, our spirits will be renewed and strengthened, including our souls and bodies.

Rev. Cheong Yew Kwong
Faith Church Singapore
Please visit our website at http://faithchurch.sg
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等候神以赛亚书40:31 但那等候耶和华的,必从新得力。他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏。 “等候”一词有如下含义:1)介词,扭曲,捆绑,如同扎起绳子一样2)刚强,健壮(从扎紧、绑紧的说法延伸而来,也与力量有关)3)期待,等候(也许和“坚持、忍耐、停留”的意义有关,跟刚强的含义略有不同,但区别不大)[Gesenius, W., & Tregelles, S. P. (2003). Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures (pp. 726–727). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.] 等候主就是把时间花在祂的话语上,花在祷告上,寻求主并与祂相交,只为聆听祂。这个词有跟神“扭住、捆绑”在一起的含义。我们藉着神的话语与祂交通时,就会把自己跟主紧紧缠绕捆绑在一起。藉着这样的交通,我们的灵与祂的话语紧紧绑在一起,当我们这样寻求祂的时候,就会变得刚强起来。我们的灵就是这样和祂的话语紧紧缠绕在一起的。 比如说,三股拧成的绳子比两股或四股的绳子都更坚固。我们在亲密的交通中,把自己和主、和主的话语紧紧绑在一起,殷切寻求祂,我们的灵人就会被更新,得到力量。主也会让祂的话语为我们的益处发挥效用。 我们等候主,就是在祂的话语中与主交通,在祷告中寻求主。 寻求主不是索要你自己想要的东西,而是在祷告中等候祂,让祂来指引我们。等候主的另一层含义是期待。我们在祂的话语中与祂交通、用方言祷告,等候祂的指引或答案,这是我们等候主的方式。我们是带着期望等候的。信心会期待从主那里得到对自己有利的结果。我们等候主时,灵人就会被更新、被坚固,我们的魂和身体也会刚强起来。耀光牧师新加坡信心教会请访问我们的中文播客,faithchurch.sg/牧师手札/#牧师手札 ... See MoreSee Less



以赛亚书40:31 但那等候耶和华的,必从新得力。他们必如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏。
3)期待,等候(也许和“坚持、忍耐、停留”的意义有关,跟刚强的含义略有不同,但区别不大)[Gesenius, W., & Tregelles, S. P. (2003). Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures (pp. 726–727). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.]





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