Welcome to Faith Church Singapore (FCS)

At our church, we hope that through His Word and by His Spirit, and through the fellowship of the saints you will get to know and experience the Heavenly Father’s unfailing love for you.

John 1:17 (AMP)
17 For while the Law was given through Moses, grace (unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ.

By our Father’s Grace, we endeavour to teach His Word of Truth that Faith be imparted to your life. Then through Faith you may access His Grace all the time for yourself and for others, thus helping you to develop spiritually and helping your faith grow exceedingly.

The Heavenly Father has given FCS this mandate, that is, “Prayer is Our Mission.” Through prayer we hope that you will fulfill the destiny that our Father God’s unfailing love has planned for you.

I pray that FCS will be a blessing to you. Let us help you fulfill this unique plan that God has for your life.
May our Heavenly Father’s Unfailing Love pour out His abundance of Grace upon you!


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Jude 20 (NKJV) But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, …The easiest way to pray in the Holy Spirit is with unknown tongues. When we pray with unknown tongues, it stimulates and strengthens our faith. Faith comes into our spirit. Praying in unknown tongues charges our spirit, causing our faith to be strong because our spirit is fully charged. Trust the Lord in One Area, We Will Trust Him in AnotherAs we pray in tongues, we will sense the anointing inside our spirit or the flow of the Holy Ghost that is supernatural. We do not know the next word, so we trust the Holy Spirit to give us the words and the anointing or power to pray. Then, when we see the results of our prayer, our trust in the Heavenly Father is built up or notched to another level.Even though we may not be aware, we trust the Holy Spirit when praying with unknown tongues. Since we have constantly been praying with unknown tongues, we trust that praying by the Holy Spirit will produce results. We trust the Heavenly Father for results. If there were no results and benefits in praying individually and corporately, we would not come whenever there was prayer. Trusting God in praying with unknown tongues will help us trust Him in other areas. Praying with unknown tongues will build greater trust in the Heavenly Father. When we keep our body physically fit through exercise, it becomes more keen and alert. In the same way, praying with unknown tongues is a spiritual exercise that keeps the spirit keen, alert, and strong, along with the Word of God. It strengthens our faith because it is in our spirit and will help us trust God more fully in other areas. So, pray daily with unknown tongues to continuously build our spirit up.Have Faith in One Area Will Have Faith in AnotherPraying much with unknown tongues will build strong faith because our spirit is strengthened. When we are strong in faith to yield in one area, we will also yield in another. For example, when someone gets baptised with the Holy Spirit to receive the gift of speaking with unknown tongues, he yields himself to the Holy Spirit to receive the utterance from Him, and he continues to yield to Him to speak out the unknown utterances. As he yields to the Holy Spirit, the next thing the Holy Spirit may lead him is to yield to receive God’s power for his healing. So, the moment that person yields to the Holy Spirit to speak in unknown tongues, he also yields to the Holy Spirit to receive his healing. Some people yield to the Holy Spirit to receive their healing and then to the Holy Spirit to receive the gift of speaking with unknown tongues. Hence, having faith for a particular thing leads to having faith in another. We will not be overwhelmed by all the unknowns of the future. Instead, we will confidently walk with the Heavenly Father into the future because He will always take us through any crisis. We will be able to make wise decisions and deal wisely with every issue of life successfully. We will be able to rest in Him daily and not be stressed out, slip into depression or have a nervous breakdown.Rev. Cheong Yew KwongFaith Church SingaporePlease visit our website at faithchurch.sg#goodtoread ... See MoreSee Less


Jude 20 (NKJV) But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, …

The easiest way to pray in the Holy Spirit is with unknown tongues. When we pray with unknown tongues, it stimulates and strengthens our faith. Faith comes into our spirit. Praying in unknown tongues charges our spirit, causing our faith to be strong because our spirit is fully charged. 

Trust the Lord in One Area, We Will Trust Him in Another

As we pray in tongues, we will sense the anointing inside our spirit or the flow of the Holy Ghost that is supernatural. We do not know the next word, so we trust the Holy Spirit to give us the words and the anointing or power to pray. Then, when we see the results of our prayer, our trust in the Heavenly Father is built up or notched to another level.

Even though we may not be aware, we trust the Holy Spirit when praying with unknown tongues. Since we have constantly been praying with unknown tongues, we trust that praying by the Holy Spirit will produce results. We trust the Heavenly Father for results. If there were no results and benefits in praying individually and corporately, we would not come whenever there was prayer. 

Trusting God in praying with unknown tongues will help us trust Him in other areas. Praying with unknown tongues will build greater trust in the Heavenly Father. 

When we keep our body physically fit through exercise, it becomes more keen and alert. In the same way, praying with unknown tongues is a spiritual exercise that keeps the spirit keen, alert, and strong, along with the Word of God. It strengthens our faith because it is in our spirit and will help us trust God more fully in other areas. So, pray daily with unknown tongues to continuously build our spirit up.

Have Faith in One Area Will Have Faith in Another

Praying much with unknown tongues will build strong faith because our spirit is strengthened. When we are strong in faith to yield in one area, we will also yield in another. 

For example, when someone gets baptised with the Holy Spirit to receive the gift of speaking with unknown tongues, he yields himself to the Holy Spirit to receive the utterance from Him, and he continues to yield to Him to speak out the unknown utterances. As he yields to the Holy Spirit, the next thing the Holy Spirit may lead him is to yield to receive God’s power for his healing. So, the moment that person yields to the Holy Spirit to speak in unknown tongues, he also yields to the Holy Spirit to receive his healing. Some people yield to the Holy Spirit to receive their healing and then to the Holy Spirit to receive the gift of speaking with unknown tongues. 

Hence, having faith for a particular thing leads to having faith in another. We will not be overwhelmed by all the unknowns of the future. Instead, we will confidently walk with the Heavenly Father into the future because He will always take us through any crisis. We will be able to make wise decisions and deal wisely with every issue of life successfully. We will be able to rest in Him daily and not be stressed out, slip into depression or have a nervous breakdown.

Rev. Cheong Yew Kwong
Faith Church Singapore
Please visit our website at http://faithchurch.sg
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犹大书20【新钦定本】亲爱的弟兄啊,你们却要在至圣的信心上造就自己,在圣灵里祷告,最容易在圣灵里祷告的办法,就是用方言来祷告。我们用方言祷告时,信心就会被激发并得坚固。信心临到我们的灵。方言祷告能给我们的灵充电,让我们的信心刚强起来,因为我们的灵已经电力满格了。在一个方面信任神,我们就会在更多方面信任祂我们用方言祷告时,会感受到灵里的恩膏,或者说圣灵的流,这是超自然的。我们不知道下一个词要说什么,只是全然信靠圣灵,让祂把当说的话赐给我们,把祷告的恩膏(能力)赐给我们。这样,当我们看见祷告的果效时,对天父的信任又更进了一层,达到了一个新高度。尽管我们可能没有意识到,但用方言祷告时,我们就是在信靠圣灵了。既然我们常常在用方言祷告,就相信靠着圣灵祷告必会有果效。我们相信天父会让事情有个好结果。如果个人与集体的祷告都没有果效、没有益处,那我们就不会参加任何祷告了。在方言祷告这个层面信靠神,有助于我们在其他方面也来信靠祂。方言祷告能让我们对天父建立更为深厚的信任。体育锻炼能让我们保持健康,也会让我们的身体更加灵活和敏锐。同样,方言祷告就是属灵的锻炼,能让我们的灵保持灵活和敏锐,靠着神的话刚强。它能坚固我们的信心,因为信心是在灵里的,也能帮助我们在其他方面更加充分地信任神。所以,要持续建造我们的灵,就每天用方言祷告吧。在一个方面有信心,就会在其他方面有信心常用方言祷告能造就坚定的信心,因为我们的灵会变得更强壮。如果我们在一个方面有坚固的信心去顺服,那就会在其他方面也能够顺服。比如说,如果一个人受了圣灵的洗,领受了说方言的恩赐,他是在把自己降服于圣灵,从神那里领受口才,而且是持续地降服,这样才能说出方言来。在他降服于圣灵的时候,圣灵接下来要带领他去做的事,可能是让他从神那里领受医治的力量。所以在这个人顺服圣灵说出方言的时候,他也会顺服圣灵领受医治。有的人是先降服于圣灵,领受了医治,然后继续降服于圣灵,才领受了说方言的恩赐。因此,对某一件事有信心,会让你对其他事情也能有信心。我们不会被未来无数未知的事情所吓倒,而是满有把握地和天父一起走进未来,因为祂总会带领我们渡过危机。我们将有能力做出明智的决定,也能成功地处理人生每一件事情。我们能够每天安息在祂里面,不会压力过大而紧张,也不会陷入抑郁或者精神崩溃。耀光牧师新加坡信心教会请访问我们的中文播客,faithchurch.sg/牧师手札/#牧师手札 ... See MoreSee Less














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