When we access God’s grace, we access His almighty power.
The Word of faith is the Word of grace because, by His grace, we receive His Word of faith, and through faith, we access His grace, and His almighty power meets our every need.
His Word of grace and faith will build our spirit, mind and body because of the power of God accessed through faith.
Praying in unknown tongues also builds us up. We need to build ourselves up with the Word of faith and grace and pray with unknown tongues.
In Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey, the people received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, and they begged Paul to return the next week to share with them again.
Before Paul departed, he persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.
Grace means unearned, unmerited, unlimited, and unconditional favour.
To continue in the grace of salvation they received was not to abandon their belief and turn back to Judaism.
The opposite is true. If God does not give us the grace to do something, then do not continue because there is no grace.
Where there is grace, there is supernatural power to a different degree. Someone could have the grace to do the same thing, but the grace that comes upon that person may be greater than others. Therefore, that person has more supernatural power or ability. However, as we remain faithful, the grace will increase; where grace increases, His power increases.
By God’s grace, He gives us faith. We have faith in the authority we have in the Name of Jesus. In the Name of Jesus, we stand against the devil’s attack and resist him by not giving up. Pray in unknown tongues to be strong in our faith and continue to stand against the devil’s thoughts.
This kind of battle with the devil is ongoing. Christians suffer the same.
After standing against the devil’s attack on our minds, God will restore, support, and strengthen us, and our foundation in the Lord will be deepened, firmed, and steadfast.
We are not to abandon our faith but continue to believe God will help us pull through. Continue to stand our ground and not give in to the devil’s thoughts or ways.
For example, God poured His grace upon Paul because He called Paul into the ministry to be an apostle, prophet and teacher. With the grace of God upon his life, Paul could endure many sufferings and continued to finish his ministry.
The special favour upon Paul enabled him to work harder than any of the other apostles and with tremendous results.
The perfect plan and the will of God are paramount to having the fullness of God’s favour upon us, to succeed in all our endeavours, struggles, and crises and fulfil our destinies.
It is not just for Paul; it will benefit us if we walk in His perfect will and plan and have God’s special favour work in our lives.
How do we be strong in grace when we endure suffering? There are two ways:
Firstly, be strong in the Lord by putting the Word of God into our minds and spirits. The armour of God is God’s Word. Only then can our minds withstand the devil’s strategies; they always come through our thought life.
Secondly, be strong in prayer. Pray with all kinds of prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful and persevering till the end.