We have committed our future into God’s hands, and now we pray into our future. We pray much with unknown tongues because the future is full of unknowns, but God knows.
Praying with unknown tongues is a divine and supernatural way to communicate with God. It also helps us to pray out the perfect will of God.
We can pray and sing in unknown tongues whenever we want to:
• To worship and praise God
• To give thanks
• To fellowship with the Heavenly Father
• To communicate or speak to the Father about mysteries (when we pray about our future)
• To wait upon the Lord
Start in the Natural
We often praise and worship in tongues, speak in tongues just because we want to, and there is an anointing in our spirit to speak out. So we have this anointing from the Holy Spirit, and it will teach us all things.
Often when we pray in unknown tongues, we start in the natural praying with that anointing in us. Then, we speak to God from our spirit.
Many times we say to the Holy Ghost Who lives inside us: “I don’t know what to pray for as I ought in this situation for this person. Holy Spirit, I am going to pray in tongues and trust that You give me the utterance to supplicate for a believer or intercede for a lost soul.”
We do not pray to the Holy Ghost. We pray to the Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus. However, we can talk to the Holy Spirit because He is a divine Personality. Then we pray in other tongues, and sometimes it is almost labour to pray. In a sense, we have to “push out” the utterances, making ourselves pray in tongues just as we would make a deliberate effort to talk to someone in our language.
Yielding to the Holy Spirit Praying with the Anointing
After praying in the natural or just speaking for a while, pushing out, and labouring in prayer, we may suddenly sense the flow or a difference in our spirit.
So we yield to that flow, yielding to the Holy Ghost. As we learn the difference and yield to the Holy Ghost in praying with unknown tongues, we will also yield to the Holy Ghost in other areas to follow His leading in speaking and doing.
When we start to pray with the anointing or greater anointing, praying with unknown tongues becomes more effortless, and this is when the victory will come!
Direct Anointing Or Anointing Fall Upon Us to Pray
However, there could be other times where there is a direct anointing and leading of the Holy Spirit to speak with tongues. It is like the Spirit of prayer falls upon us, and we sense a strong burden to pray in the Holy Ghost for something or someone.
The moment we enter the realm of prayer, tongues just flow out of our spirit, and we have nothing to do with it. They bubble out of our spirit by the unction or the anointing of the Holy Ghost within. We speak out those utterances in unknown tongues.
The anointing is present and strong, and we will feel impelled to pray. It is a matter of yielding to the Holy Ghost to pray out His perfect will with that stronger anointing.
As we yield to the Holy Ghost, we give Him the authority to give us that stronger unction or anointing to pray. That is when we enter that deeper realm of prayer, where we pray with the greater power of the Holy Ghost. There is no time and distance in the spirit, and the possibilities of what God can do through us in prayer are unlimited!