Our future is not unknown to God. Therefore, we will not be walking blindly into the future if we commit our future into God’s hands and pray out the Heavenly Father’s plan for our future.
When we get over into the deeper realm of prayer, there is no distance and time in the spirit, and the possibilities of what God can do through us in prayer are unlimited!
When we face the unexpected in life, we plead our case before the Heavenly Father because we have confident trust in Him and the mighty Name of Jesus. With that, we can be bold and tenacious in pleading our case.
The word supplication means to plead. We may plead in unknown tongues, and after that, with understanding or known language. We may plead for ourselves or someone else.
The characteristics we should adopt in pleading our case:
• Jesus never gives up, so we do not give up
• Jesus said to always pray and never give up. It is because He does not give up on us.
• No matter what we face in life, if we do not give up, we here on earth are in unity with the Lord Jesus in heaven.
• Jesus never gives up on us, so we do not give up on ourselves. Be determined to get the answer from the Heavenly Father
We are then in line with His will. His will is that He never gives up on us.
Zechariah pleaded for the impossible. His wife was too old to have a child. So, naturally, it was impossible; therefore, he pleaded.
After we pray by faith and pray much with unknown tongues, we plead our case when it seems impossible.
Jacob also prayed or pleaded his case. He reminded God that his future was in His hands because he was following God’s instruction, and returning to the land of Canaan was His perfect will. The next thing Jacob reminded God of was His promises. Jacob’s wrestling with the Lord was also a form of pleading with the Lord with determination and not taking “no” for an answer.
After Jacob wrestled or pleaded with God, the Lord blessed him. The result of pleading our case and never giving up is that we will receive the Heavenly Father’s blessings.
The prayer of supplication or pleading our case is a very powerful kind of prayer because the Lord Jesus longs to answer our prayers. Hence, we must persist in faith and never give up, and the Heavenly Father will come through for us.