When David was a teenager, the prophet Samuel anointed him to be king. David then defeated Goliath, and King Saul was jealous of him. An evil spirit influenced Saul to kill David.

King Saul pursued David for about 13 to 15 years to kill him, so David was always on the run.

We read in Psalms that David committed his future to God’s hands, and God indeed delivered him from the hands of Saul.

Saul later died in the Battle of Mount Gilboa.

David was anointed as king over the tribe of Judah. Then, after seven and a half years, Israel anointed him the king. So David was king over the whole nation of Israel.

David was stepping into God’s destiny for him, but there was no rest. Next, the Philistines came to capture him.

David needed a breakthrough from his enemies, and so he prayed to God.

The Lord gave David specific instruction to attack the Philistines and said He would burst through the enemies.
David had to fight the natural war. However, the Lord already had His angels to war against the demonic powers in the spirit realm. So, first, His angelic forces burst through the demonic powers, and then David had a burst through in the natural.

David named the place “the Lord who bursts through.”

Breakthrough happens when we chip away at the wall until it breaks, and then we can come through.

However, a burst through needs only one blast, causing a huge gaping hole in the wall. Burst through is more instantaneous by one great force. Similarly, God is the Lord of our burst through. It will happen fast.

Whenever and wherever God leads us, He is the God of our burst through. But, if the Lord is to help us experience a burst through, there are essential steps we need to take:
– Pray In Unknown Tongues
– Use Our Authority to Bind Demonic Powers
– Obey the Lord’s Instruction
– Stand Firm On the Lord’s Instruction

© Faith Church Singapore

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