God never created the earth and intended it to degenerate into abject poverty. Poverty is not God’s will. When one is in poverty, they have nothing and do not have anything to give. Poverty is worse than lack. Therefore, it is not God’s will. Our God is a God of more than enough. God will always provide for us, and we will even have leftovers. There cannot be a lack when we follow the Lord and obey His Word. We will always have more than enough because He is El Shaddai – the all-sufficient One, the God of more than enough.
God sends prosperity to bless us and meet our needs. But even more importantly, He prospers us to make it possible for us to help in His work in our communities and nations.
The Heavenly Father blesses us to make us a blessing to our family and His church. In other words, He blesses us to give.
When more grace is given to us, more is required of us. When more grace is given to us to prosper, more is required of us to build His altar (His Church) and do the Father’s will.
God’s people must prosper to fulfil the Great Commission.
If we seek the Kingdom of God first and the will of His Kingdom, impart the Word of Faith and Grace and save those who are lost, we can expect to be blessed and prosper as Christians.
How will we fulfil the Great Commission if we are poverty-stricken? Without funds, it will be difficult and limited in how much we can do to get the gospel out.
Throughout the Bible, God’s work has typically been financed by the tithes and offerings of His people.
The giving of God’s people took care of God’s house and those who worked there and provided the funds to carry out His work on earth.