Understanding and submitting to God will help us have His grace and power to resist the devil.
God gives grace to the humble because the humble can receive His grace. From the Scriptures, we see God gives the humble grace to submit to Him.
When we receive God’s grace and submit to Him, we receive His power to resist the devil.
Submit means to yield our way to God’s way. Then we have His power to resist the devil. Furthermore, because of the power of His grace, the devil will flee.
Also, as we humble before God, we receive His grace and power to submit to the Holy Ghost. We submit by yielding to the Holy Ghost to do what He says and go where He leads.
There are three specifics as to how to submit to God. When we submit to these three, we are submitting to God.
Yield to His Written Word and do it.
Submitting to the Written Word is yielding to His Written Word and doing it.
Submitting to His Spoken Word.
Submitting to Christ is to submit to the Name of Jesus. To submit to the Name of Jesus is to yield to His name and believe His Name will produce the results or bear fruits.
Yielding to His Name means whether we agree or not, we accept that His Name will bear fruits or produce the result. For example, Jesus said in His name, lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Whether we agree or not, we yield to His name. That means we submit to His name by accepting that by laying hands on the sick in His name, the sick shall recover. Our eyes may not agree that the sick are recovering, but we yield to His Name and accept that the sick shall recover in His name.
Yielding to His Name means when we command the devil to leave in His Name, though we do not see the devil leaving, we yield to the fact that in His Name, the devil must leave.
Yielding to His Name means when we ask the Father in the Name of Jesus, we will receive, though we do not see what we asked for. However, we yield to the fact that when we ask in His Name, we receive.
Yielding to the Name of Jesus is yielding or submitting to Jesus. Yielding is submitting to His anointing.
We need to humble ourselves before the Holy Spirit and yield to Him. Submission is yielding our way to His way.
In praying for direction, if we understand the direction that the Spirit of God is leading us, and yield to His leading, then we are submitting to the Spirit of God.
Submitting to people whom God placed over us.