The Heavenly Father has poured out His grace upon us because we are in Christ Jesus and belong to Him.
Where there is fullness of God’s grace, there is also great power to perform amazing miracles, signs and wonders.
Since the Father has poured out His grace upon us, we live a supernatural life on earth because His power is with us.
The power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in our spirit and giving life to our mortal bodies. So constantly, our bodies receive the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us healthy and slow down the degeneration.
Also, our spirits are receiving life from the Holy Spirit. Our minds also receive His life to keep them healthy.
Believe this truth and confess it daily for our benefit. We have His grace, and we have His power.
Grace means His unmerited, unearned, unconditional, and unlimited favour. God unconditionally strengthens our spirit, soul and body.
He has poured out His glorious grace upon us, and unconditionally the power of His grace is our strength. The power of His grace strengthens us.
God gave Paul His grace. Paul felt weak amid suffering and persecution. But, with God’s grace, there was God’s power. It was sufficient for Paul to stand firm till God delivered him.
We received grace and the gift of righteousness when we accepted Jesus. As we increase in the knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus, we receive abundant grace from Him.
We live by His grace and receive supernatural power, reigning over all demonic forces.
We can always turn to the mercy of God by coming to His throne of grace – unmerited favour, unearned favour, unconditional favour, unlimited favour. Be bold and daring to come before the throne where the Heavenly Father is.
In the crisis of life and desperation, from His throne of grace, we receive mercy and find grace to help.