God the Almighty desires we worship more than our substance because He does not need them in heaven. So when we worship Him in Spirit, a spiritual aroma goes up to heaven, and we give of our substance that remains on earth. A spiritual aroma ascends into His heavenly throne.
God created us to be His temple as part of His universal Church, in the local church, and individually.
In the Old Testament, under the law of Moses, God had Israel build physical temples and gave specifics regarding conducting worship and sacrifices in those temples.
However, in the New Testament, God created us individually as His temple when we were born again. The Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit, and our spirit becomes the temple of God. Then we can worship the Father in our spirit and from our spirit. Therefore, the Father seeks those who worship Him in and from the spirit.
When we worship the Father from our spirit, the Holy Spirit empowers us to worship and releases the power of God in our midst, ascending to God’s heavenly throne. When the power of the Holy Spirit is released through worship from our spirit, it penetrates the first and second heavens. When it does, it will shake them. Then the first and second heavens will suffer the force of violence.
When we worship Him, the presence of God enthrones in our praises and worship. Enthrone means sits, inhabit, dwell, abide, as long as our praise and worship ascend to heaven’s throne. His presence enthrones our praise and worship when it flows out of our spirit.
God is Almighty, and no power of darkness can abide where His presence is manifesting. Therefore, all must give way to His presence.
We are created to worship God. Mankind will always find something to worship if they do not worship the real Almighty God.
When I speak of worship, it is worship and praise with thanksgiving rendered to God the Heavenly Father.
“Worship not only gives God what is due to him but also results in many benefits for his people. True worship brings benefits for God’s people.” [Manser, M. H. (2009). Dictionary of Bible Themes: The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies. Martin Manser.]
We worship God the Heavenly Father for His unfailing love, and He is full of mercy and grace.
We praise Him, for nothing is impossible with God, and because we believe, we praise Him.
We thank the Heavenly Father for what He has done from the beginning till now because we are grateful, and it is all by His grace.