The Holy Spirit is God and a Person because He has a personality.
The Holy Ghost is the supernatural power to meet our needs supernaturally.
By grace, we reverent and honour Him because when that reverential fear of the Lord comes upon us by the Holy Ghost, we yield to Him to honour Him.
On the day of Pentecost in the upper room, when the Holy Spirit was poured out, there were wind and fire. These are signs of the manifestation of the Holy Ghost. People in the upper room saw tongues of fire settle on each of them.
The Old Testament fire of the Holy Ghost signifies:
a) The Presence of God
b) The Approval of God
c) The Protection of God
What is the significance of the fire of the Holy Ghost?
When praying in unknown tongues, the fire of the Holy Ghost will keep our spirits fervent for the Lord.
For prayers to be effective, they have to be fervent. Fervent means hot or fiery. Therefore, our spirits must be fervent, fiery, or hot to pray these fervent prayers. We want to maintain the fervour in our spirits so that we will be ready to pray any moment for our children or anyone needing effective prayers to help them.
Epaphras was one of the servants of Christ who laboured fervently in prayers for the church. He prayed for them to be made strong and mature, completing the whole will of God.
To have the fire or fervency in our spirits, we must be baptised with the Holy Ghost and pray much in unknown tongues.
God is also the God of consuming fire, which means He is the God of devouring fire. Fire is a figure of speech to describe the spiritual fire of God. The fire of God devours the demonic world of Satan.
God the Almighty will be our consuming or devouring fire. He will go ahead of us and devour them all. But we have to pray with the Holy Ghost’s fire, which only comes with praying in unknown tongues.