Jesus came by the grace of the Father to dispense His mercy to the human race.
Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ so that we may access the Father’s throne. Jesus died and rose again so we can come before His throne of grace to receive His mercy and find grace to help.
The Father’s throne of grace means the throne of no conditions. Therefore, unconditionally, we can come into His unconditional presence, receive His unconditional mercy, and find grace to help us. In other words, He will help us unconditionally. means to come to His throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help.
But we must have one ingredient to access them – faith. His grace and mercy are not automatically received. They have to be received by faith.
The Father’s grace and mercy are on God’s side, but faith is on our side.
It is by faith then we have God’s grace. First, it is by faith, and then it is by grace. There is no grace if there is fear or doubt because they will block your faith. Once our faith is blocked, we cannot access His grace because it is by faith that we access His grace.
We cannot come to His throne without faith because it is by faith we have access to this grace.
Fear and doubt will render our faith ineffective. Fear will also stifle faith. It will block our faith. It will obstruct our faith from being released. Faith and fear cannot coexist.
Another hindrance to faith is unforgiveness. Unforgiveness will block someone’s faith.
Faith comes by hearing the spoken Word of God. Fear and unforgiveness will block our faith from being released.
Persistent fear is oppression. Persistent unforgiveness is oppression. Both will block our faith.
Our faith will not work because it cannot be released to receive God’s mercy and grace to meet our needs.
How do we deal with fear? Speak against it. Speak the opposite of fear. Fear comes into our thought lives. Think opposite to what fear is saying, and speak against it. Say the opposite of what fear is saying.
If we have unforgiveness, choose to forgive.
To successfully stand the enemies of faith, we must renew our minds and spirits with the Word of faith.
Faith comes into our spirit the first time we hear the Word of God or the spoken Word. And the next time we hear the same Word spoken, our faith is renewed and refreshed.
We constantly hear the spoken Word on the same topic to renew our faith. It will wane if we do not renew our faith, and then the devil will sow thoughts contrary to the Word that produced faith in our spirit.
So our spirit man or new man needs to be renewed to renew our spiritual strength.