Moses, through Faith and Patience, Crossed the Red Sea
The Lord told Moses to instruct the Israelites in Egypt to slaughter a lamb and apply its blood on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they lived.
When the Lord saw the blood, He would protect and shield that household by preventing the plague from entering the house.
Moses heard from the Lord, obeyed, and the Israelites were protected.
The Lord told Moses to instruct the Israelite families in Egypt to slaughter a lamb and apply its blood on the side and top of their doorpost.
The Lord led Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. They walked for three days; Pharaoh’s army chased them from behind, and in front of them was the Red Sea.
The Lord directed them to the Red Sea, which was an obstacle. God knew there was a Red Sea and must have had a solution.
Regardless of obstacles before and behind us, always go forward in the direction the Lord has directed.
Stand still in that place the Lord has placed or moved you into.
The Red Sea was an obstacle; there is a solution when we come to the Red Sea.
The Lord told Moses to lift his rod and stretch his hand over the sea to divide it. Then, they would cross on dry ground.
Moses had to do it by faith. Moses had to believe they would go over on dry ground because the Lord said so. Moses must not doubt. He was leading the nation of Israel. You are leading your family, company, or department. When confronted with obstacles in your life, you must not doubt. The Lord will lead you forward. He has the solution to overcome all obstacles in front of you. The Lord has a way to deal with the enemies pursuing you.
Joshua Marched Around Jericho by Faith
Joshua led Israel across the Jordan River. Their first major obstacle was the first city, Jericho. It was a walled city that Israel could not penetrate.
The only way for the wall to fall was by faith. That means hearing from God how He intends to bring the wall down.
No matter how strong the wall (obstacles), if the Lord’s plan for you to take that city, place, or job, you have to take it because it will have a bearing on your future and destiny.
God will have a way for you, just like God had a way for Joshua to conquer and capture the city of Jericho.
Following the Lord’s instructions is crucial for bringing down the wall when the obstacle is strong and great.
When Joshua followed the Lord’s instructions, the wall came down by faith, and he took the city of Jericho.
Gideon fought the Midianites with only 300 Men by Faith
The Midianites had been oppressing Israel, and God sent Gideon to fight them. Initially, Gideon led 32,000 men, but 22,000 were unwilling to fight. Gideon had to send them back home.
Following the Lord’s instruction, Gideon led his 10,000 soldiers to drink water from a spring. Three hundred men would lap the water from their palms, and the others knelt and drank with their mouths. God showed Gideon only 300 were fit to go into battle. God reduced the 10,000 soldiers to 300.
Having the right people and succeeding in your mission for the Lord is more important than having many and failing.
Samuel Searching for David by Faith
King Saul sinned against God. God needed to look for someone to replace him.
God knew but would not tell Samuel who to anoint—only told him where to look for a new king.
Samuel had to go to Jesse’s home by faith. Jesse had seven sons to pass before Samuel, and Samuel knew the Lord had chosen none.
Samuel did not give up. By faith, he intended to finish the task. Samuel was determined to anoint one of Jesse’s sons because the Lord had spoken.
After the Lord told Samuel the eldest was not the one, the Lord was silent regarding the remaining six sons. Only when David came before Samuel did the Lord speak up.
If you seek the Lord for direction, do not make any major decisions if the Lord is silent. Seek and wait till the Lord directs you.
Be determined to complete the task because the Lord has specifically directed or instructed.
Two things we learnt from Samuel’s story:
God would not give you the full instructions. We will only complete the task if we do as He instructed. If we do not go where He directs, we will never find out what is there for us.
What will be your response when God is silent? Keep doing what He has already instructed. Stay in place until He moves you.