Understanding the upper room will be a theological game-changer for you.

The upper room is the place where the disciples met! Acts 1:13 The Message
After Jesus’ ascension, they left the mountain called Olives and returned to Jerusalem. They went to a place called the upper room they had been using as a meeting place …

Jesus shared His final meal with the disciples in Mark 14 in this upper room. This is where Jesus washes their feet in John 13. It is the place where He gives His famous speech to the disciples, known as The Upper Room Discourse in John 14-16.

It is where Jesus appears to the disciples after the resurrection in John 20.

They stayed in the upper room after Jesus’ ascension in Acts 1. It is also where they waited for the promise of the Father at Pentecost in Acts 2. It is where Peter and John went from the high council to “their own company” in Acts 4. It is where they prayed in Acts 12 for Peter, who was in prison.

According to church tradition, the house belonged to Mary, the mother of John Mark. Mary was a very wealthy woman, and the upper room was the best in the house.

What is the Upper Room?
The upper room is a place of rest.
The upper room was the birthplace of the church!

What happens in the Upper Room?
It is a place of supernatural encounters!

Living in the upper room means living under Grace.

The upper room was a special place for Jesus. It was where He transitioned from Prophet to High Priest, from the old covenant to the new. It was where Jesus gave the new commandment, from the dispensation of law into the new dispensation of Grace.

The upper room is God’s place of new beginnings!

How do you find your Upper Room?
– Follow the man with the water jar! That is following the Holy Spirit.
– Like the disciples, we are to follow the man carrying a jar of water. The water was probably used to wash the disciples’ feet in the upper room.
– The Holy Spirit is the man with the water jar. He leads you to the upper room where the Lord washes your feet with the Word.
– We are to find the place of gathering according to Scripture rather than as we prefer.

© Faith Church Singapore

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