After Jesus’ death and resurrection, we celebrate Holy Communion to remember Jesus, our Passover Lamb.
There is Protection and Provision in the Passover
Before Israel left Egypt, the Lord commanded them to slaughter a lamb and smear the blood on the sides and top of the doorframes of the houses where they would eat. They were to eat the roasted lamb in the house.
There was protection from the plague:
The Lord defended and protected the Israelites from the plague, and when they wandered in the wilderness, they were neither weak nor sick.
There was favour with man:
The Egyptian households gave the Israelites what they asked for because the Lord had given them favour. There were material and financial provisions:
They left Egypt without any lack and had all their needs met. They were given gold and silver, as well as clothing. When they went into the wilderness, the Lord required them to use some of these materials to build Him a temple. God met their needs and the temple’s needs.
There was physical strength:
They walked three days and nights to the Red Sea without weakening. Nobody was weak or sickly in the wilderness as they kept the Passover.
There was long life:
They lived in the wilderness until they were 80 years old. Though the whole generation that came out of Egypt disobeyed God for not wanting to enter the Promised Land, they still lived long until they were 80 years old.
To Proclaim the Lord’s Death
Partaking Holy Communion is to proclaim or declare the Lord’s death. We are to declare His death till He comes.
Life and death lie in the power of the tongue. When we declare the Lord’s death, power is released from our spirit through our mouth in the realm of the spirit.
In the local church, when we partake of and declare the Lord’s death during Holy Communion, we come under the power of Holy Communion.
Declare the Lord’s Body and Blood
If people do not understand the purpose of His body crucified on the cross and His blood that was shed from His body on the cross, then they are eating the bread and drinking the cup unworthily.
For this reason, we explain the purposes while we partake of the bread and the cup.
As we declare the purpose of the Lord’s body and His blood on the cross, we honour the Lord for what He did for us.
When we honour the Lord for what He has done, we eat and drink in a worthy manner; there is no judgment, and we will not be weak, sick, or die before the time.
It is not God who judges us. But we are to judge ourselves, asking if we understand the purpose of Holy Communion. If anyone eats the bread and drinks the cup without understanding and declaring the purpose of the Lord’s body and blood shed on the cross, the devil will judge us and afflict us with sickness and disease. It is not God judging us because Jesus bears the judgment of sin on the cross. There is no more judgement of God for punishment until 1,000 years after the tribulation. Jesus bore our sins and sickness on the cross. The judgment is on Jesus.
The Scripture tells us to proclaim or declare the Lord’s body. What do we declare?
Declare the Lord Bore our Sin, Sickness and Spiritual Death on the Cross
Sickness is an oppression of the devil. It is the oppression of the power of the devil that makes people physically sick.
If sickness is an oppression, then sin is an oppression of the devil. Sin is an oppression of the power of the devil.
Jesus was never sick. He took our sickness as the oppression, and the power of sickness oppressed His Spirit. Jesus’ body was whipped 39 times, and the stripes on his back were a sign that He bore all the power of sickness and disease.
Jesus never sinned, so how did He bear our sins? The power of sin, i.e., the power of Satan, oppressed Jesus’ Spirit.
It is the oppression, the power of sin, i.e., the power of Satan that Jesus bore.
Jesus never sinned, so the power of sin or Satan cannot oppress His Spirit. So, when Jesus decided to go to the cross, God lifted His grace from Jesus so that Satan could oppress Jesus’s Spirit with the power of sickness and sin.
The power of Satan, the power of sin that came upon Jesus, separated Jesus from the presence of the Heavenly Father. That’s when spiritual death sets in. Spiritual death is separation from God. The power of sin oppressed Jesus and separated Him from the Presence of God.
What does it mean when the Scripture says, by His stripes, we were healed? Sickness is an oppression of the Satan.
When Jesus rose again, He rose against the power of sickness and sin. In other words, the power of sin and sickness had no power to oppress Him and keep Him in hell. Jesus overcame the power of sickness and sin. When Jesus overcame and rose against the power of sickness, we who are in Christ also rose against the power of sickness. So we were healed, and the power of sickness has no power over us.
We must see that sickness has no power over our bodies. We have the authority and power in the Name of Jesus to rebuke the oppression and command it to leave. This is what it means that by His stripes, we were healed. But since someone’s body is already afflicted with sickness, the body needs to recover.
There are two ways to get the body to recover:
a. Jesus said to lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Marks 16:17-18).
b. We seek medical help, surgery, and medication.
The general rule for terminal cases is to lay hands on the sick body and be prayed for. If we do not see results soon, seek medical help as quickly as possible. The power of healing will assist medical science in helping you recover.
We eat the bread and drink the cup to honour the Lord’s body and His blood on the cross.