What The Father’s Love Will Do For Us Message from Pastor Yew Kwong. September 8, 2024. Category: Faith, God's Love, Unfailing Love Tags: Abraham, Added, Anchor, Anxious, Birds, Blessing, Care, Curse, Draw, Guide, Increase, Isaac, Keep, Lack, Lead, Lilies, Needs, Protect, Provide, Seek God, Shepherd, Tomorrow, Unconditional, Worry http://faithchurch.sg/podcast/2024-09-08.mp3 The Second Dispensation in the Bible Message from Pastor Yew Kwong. October 9, 2022. Category: Believer's Authority, Love, Redemption Tags: Abel, Adam & Eve, Authority, Condemn, Conscience, Curse, Good & Evil, Holy Communion, Lamb Sacrifice, Noah, Redeemer, Satan, Tree of Life http://faithchurch.sg/podcast/2022-10-09.mp3